President effects minor cabinet shuffle

Daily Star Egypt Staff
3 Min Read

CAIRO: President Hosni Mubarak made minor adjustments to his cabinet Sunday, topping the changes with the reassignment of the justice portfolio. The heads of the foreign affairs, interior and defense ministries retained their portfolios.

Mamdouh Marei, head of the Supreme Constitutional Court, replaces Mahmoud Abu El-Leil, who resigned 10 days ago from his post as minister of justice, reported Egypt s official news agency MENA, without providing additional details. Marei headed the Presidential Election Commission that oversaw Egypt s first presidential elections last September.

For a year starting May 2005, judicial-executive relations were strained as reform-minded judges demanded full independence of the judiciary and some raised questions about the integrity of legislative elections.

The crisis culminated in disciplinary hearings for two judges who alleged that the polling in November and December was marred by fraud. Security forces quashed a series of protests in April and May in support of the judges and arrested hundreds of Islamist and secular political activists.

Mohammed Abdel Salam Mahgoub leaves behind his post as governor of Alexandria to take up the planning and local development portfolio, replacing Mohammed Othman, who was appointed state minister for economic development, MENA reported.

The previous cabinet shuffle was in December following legislative elections that ended earlier that month.

The complete list of ministers:

– Prime minister: Ahmed Nazif – Defense and military production minister: Mohammed Hussein Tantawi – Foreign minister: Ahmed Abul-Gheit – Interior minister: Habib Al-Adli – Information minister: Anas Al-Fiqi – Finance minister and insurance: Youssef Boutros-Ghali – Industry, foreign and local trade minister: Rachid Mohammed Rachid – Investments development minister: Mahmoud Mohieddin – Culture minister: Farouk Hosni – Labor and immigration minister: Aisha Abdul Hadi – Housing and urban development minister: Ahmed Al-Maghrabi – Social solidarity and supply minister: Ali Moselhi – Religious endowments minister: Mahmud Hamdi Zaqzuq – Oil minister: Sameh Fahmi – Irrigation and water resources minister: Mahmud Abu Zeid – Electricity minister: Hassan Yunes – Health and population minister: Hatem Al-Gabali – Civil aviation minister: Ahmed Shafiq – Communications and IT minister: Tariq Kamel – Justice Minister Mamdouh Mohieddin Mari – Agriculture minister: Amin Abaza – Education minister: Yosri Saber Hussein Al-Gamal – Higher education minister: Hani Helal – Tourism minister: Zuheir Garana – Transport minister: Mohammed Mansour – International cooperation minister: Fayza Abu El-Naga – Environmental affairs minister of state: Maged George Elias – Legal and parliamentary affairs minister: Mufid Shehab – State minister for economic development: Osman Mohammed Osman – State minister for local development: Mohammed Abdel Salam El-Mahjoub – State minister for military production: Sayed Meshaal – State minister for administrative development: Ahmed Darwish

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