Two Muslim Brotherhood leaders detained

Yasmine Saleh
2 Min Read

CAIRO: On Thursday Jan. 4, Egyptian security forces raided the houses of two Muslim Brotherhood leaders Mohamed Goda, business man, and Dr. Hamdy Allam, physician, in El Sharkia.

Goda, who was not present in his home at the time of the attack, turned himself voluntarily to a police station at El Sharkia on the same day s afternoon, while Allam was directly taken from his home.

The news, which was first published on the official Muslim Brotherhood website, follows similar arrests in the past few weeks.

Brotherhood MP Hamdy Hassan, says the arrests spiked since the government announced plans to amend several articles of the constitution.

We are confronted with important constitutional amendments and the Muslim Brotherhood is considered the only big force that is standing against the government s plans to dominate the power in Egypt, Hassan said.

The government is using its security forces to stop us from having a stance on the amendments and restrict our political activity, Hassan added.

Despite repeated calls, the Ministry of Interior did not provide the The Daily Star Egypt with comment on the arrests.

Mahdy Akef, the Brotherhood chief, issued a statement Wednesday, denouncing the arrests of more than 30 members of the group during Eid Al Adha.

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