Congratulations, 31 new female judges appointed by presidential decree

Yasmine Saleh
1 Min Read

CAIRO: President Hosni Mubarak issued a presidential announcement declaring the appointment of 31 female judges.

The elected candidates were chosen among some other 174 candidates, according to Abdel Aziz Aidaros, senior associate in Al Shalakany law office.

Aidaros told The Daily Star Egypt that the selection was proceeded by examinations and interviews conducted by the Supreme Judiciary Council.

As for the controversy that has accompanied the issue, Aidaros believes that Egypt is so delayed in that regard. I believe women have the capability to occupy any vacancy, Aidaros said.

There were women who used to run states before, so I do not think the Judiciary field is more complicated than that, Aidaros added.

Keywords: President Hosni Mubarak, 31 female judges, Al Shalakany law office, controversy of female judges, Judiciary field, Supreme Judiciary Council, presidential decree, candidates of female judges.

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