The mobile market added 56,100 new subscribers in January to take the number of mobile phone subscribers from 101.2 million in December 2017 to 101.3 million in January.
According to a report issued by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Etisalat Misr managed to achieve a noticeable growth in the number of its customers, at the expense of its rivals.
Etisalat added over 1.14 million new customers in January, taking the number of its customer from 22.68 million in December to 23.8 million in January 2018.
According to the report, Vodafone faced the most losses in January, as it lost nearly 734,000 users, causing the number of its customers to decline from 44.4 million in December to 43.7 million in January 2018.
On the other hand, Orange lost about 351,000 customers in January, becoming the second company in the mobile market with the largest losses in January. The number of subscribers in Orange declined to 33.7 million compared to 34.1 million in December 2017.
The internet market added 6.4 million customers in December, as the total number of internet users increased from 34.9 million in November 2017 to reach 41.3 million in December.
The growth of the number of internet users through mobile phones increased by 23.3%, increasing from 26.6 million in November to 32.8 million in December 2017.
Meanwhile, the number of internet users through USB modem slightly increased from 3.2 million in November, to reach 3.3 million in December 2017.
The number of ADSL internet users increased by 1.7% in December, from 5.1 million in November to 5.2 million.