The inflation rate stood at 289.9 points in July, at a 2.5% rise compared to June, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) on Thursday.
CAPMAS said the annual inflation rate stood at 13% in July compared to 34.2% in the same month in 2017.
CAPMAS attributed the rise in inflation to an increase in the prices of vegetables by 8.8%, fruits by 3.5% and beverages and tobacco by 7.2%.
In addition, the prices of housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel registered a 5.2% increase. While, Alcohol, smoke and air conditioners increased by 20.1% due to the increase in the prices of the cigarettes by 21.6%.
Moreover, Telecommunications Sector recorded an increase of 7.5% due to the increase in prices of the telephone and fax services by 7.7%.