Hertfordshire University participates in EduGate 2021

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

The University of Hertfordshire in Egypt, hosted by the Global Academic Foundation (UH-GAF), has successfully participated in the 8th edition of the international EduGate 2021 forum. 

The event was conducted under the auspices of Egypt’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, together with Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat. 

The 3 day forum took place on 9-11 March, and carried the motto of “Higher Education…10 years into the Future”.

Professor Vincent Emery, President of the University of Hertfordshire in Egypt, said, “This forum makes it possible for universities and educational foundations to advertise for their distinct, innovative educational services, particularly in the transformational period that Egypt is currently witnessing.”

He added, “These educational forums also contribute to the attainment of Egypt’s sustainable development objectives.”

During his participation in a panel tackling the future of Higher Education, Emery highlighted the University of Hertfordshire’s future vision for educational practices and methods. The discussion witnessed the participation of education experts and CEOs from several IT corporate giants.

“The University of Hertfordshire was rated as one of the top 50 universities in the UK with respect to preparing its graduates to the labour market,” he added, “The University joins hands with the largest labour entities present in the market to facilitate the implementation of our strategy. When it comes to the pedagogy that the university abides by, the University of Hertfordshire embraces the latest technologies, along with the best educational programmes in Egypt.”

Emery concluded by reiterating, “The University does not merely provide students with certificates, nevertheless it is an integrated entity that provides educational and training services. In other words, the programmes that Hertfordshire offers are believed to nurture a highly competent and skilful generation of scholars that would act as an essential asset to the labour market.”

Since its inauguration, UH-GAF has been operating in the New Administrative Capital (NAC) for the sake of utilising and taking advantage of the state-of-the-art technologies, which the project promises to encompass. These are being used throughout the university’s education journey and experience in Egypt.

This step stemmed from the university’s keenness to cater to the Egyptian labour market’s requirements, and belief that the University of Hertfordshire’s educational approach will provide more opportunities for Egyptian graduates.

This will take place through introducing new special programmes in various disciplines, to make them apt to cope with the rapid evolution of society and economy in the 21st Century.

The University aims to transfer its accumulated know-how and experience over its 70 years of existence to Egypt and other countries that the university has a presence in.

The University of Hertfordshire’s international branch campus is hosted by the Global Academic Foundation. The Foundation, which has a group of Egyptian professionals and investors as its owners, was established to nurture a new generation of original thinkers and entrepreneurs through wielding the practical and theoretical approaches in the education process. 

This laid the foundation for the collaboration with the University of Hertfordshire, especially that the latter embraces a pedagogy and culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across all its disciplines.

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