Arab Parliament lends support to Egyptian, Sudanese efforts to solve GERD issues

Sami Hegazi
2 Min Read

The Arab Parliament has expressed its full solidarity with Egypt and Sudan in ensuring their legitimate rights to their share of River Nile water and resolving the Ethiopian dam issue.

The organisation has also made light of its support for any efforts that contribute to solving the ongoing crisis.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Arab Parliament said that reaching a legally binding agreement regarding the filling and operation of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) must take into account the interests of all parties.

It should also preserve the water and economic rights of Nile Basin countries, in accordance with international laws.

Egypt and Sudan are an essential and integral pillar in preserving Arab national security, and that their water security is an integral part of Arab national security as a whole, the statement added.

The Arab Parliament also stressed its categorical rejection of any unilateral Ethiopian measures regarding the massive dam and access to water.

It made calls on Ethiopia to move away from its policy of imposing a fait accompli, which may lead to an escalation of the crisis and an increase in tension in the region. It indicated that there are many positive collective solutions that would help the region avoid any issues that may affect its security and stability.

The Arab Parliament called on Ethiopia to fully respond to Egypt’s unremitting efforts made aimed at reaching a legal and binding agreement on the filling and operation of the massive dam.

This is the best solution to end the crisis and maintain security and stability in the region, the statement said.

The Arab Parliament held the Ethiopian side full responsibility for any unilateral measures it might take, away from the legitimate solutions that are supported by the international community.

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