Prime Minister Madbouly inspects wheat silos in Ismailia

Sarah El-Sheikh
2 Min Read
Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly

Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly inspected, on Wednesday, the investor service center in Ismailia city, to follow up on the progress of work in service and development projects, especially in the villages targeted within the presidential initiative “Decent Life” for the development of the Egyptian countryside.

Madbouly was accompanied by Governor of Ismailia Sherif Fahmy Bishara, and Chairperson of the Arab Contractors Company Sayed Farouk.

The Prime Minister visited a number of workshops that were implemented within the framework of this project, stressing the state’s interest in supporting craft industries, and its keenness to integrate them into the formal economy, as it contributes to providing job opportunities and supporting the economy.

The Governor of Ismailia briefed Madbouly on the progress of the project, noting that it is nearing completion, with an implementation rate of about 95%.

The complex consists of 58 dormitories, comprising 463 workshops, ranging from 36 to 191 square metres. The total area of ​​the workshops is about 32,000 square metres. It includes marble, tile, plumbing, carpentry, and metal workshops. In addition to the workshops, the complex project includes 55 shops, 6 cafeterias, and a number of buildings; administrative and service, including a firefighting unit and a police station.

The Prime Minister began the tour by inspecting the wheat silos in the Abu Sweir Center, where he stressed that this project aims to preserve the strategic “wheat” crop from waste by storing it optimally, as well as encouraging farmers to expand wheat cultivation to meet the needs of the local market.

The total storage capacity of the Abu Suweir silos is 30,000 tonnes, comprising 6 storage cells, each cell has a capacity of 5,000 tonnes and is built on an area of ​​50 feddan. The project started operation in April 2021.

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