Russian tour operators aspires to increase flights between Egypt, Russia

Daily News Egypt
3 Min Read

Russian tour operators expressed their aspiration to increase the number of flights between Egypt and Russia, especially in light of the great demand from citizens in various Russian cities to visit the Egyptian tourist destination and enjoy its diverse and unique tourist and archaeological components.

The tour operators expressed their happiness and optimism about the return of Russian tourism to the Egyptian tourist resorts, which came after a 6-year hiatus, especially in light of the great passion of Russian tourists for the Egyptian tourist destination.

This came during their meetings with Khaled Al-Anani, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, during his current visit to Moscow, the capital of Russia.

They also praised the precautionary measures applied by Egypt to ensure a safe trip for its visitors, and the efforts and facilities provided by the Egyptian government to push incoming tourism to Egypt.

The tour operators  also pointed out that the Egyptian tourist destination is the main and preferred destination for Russian citizens because of its distinct tourism potential.

They also talked about the study that they prepared about the indicators of searching for different tourist destinations on the search engines on the Internet, which showed that the Egyptian tourist destination is the most searched and that it is the first destination for Russian citizens even during the period of the flight suspension.

For his part, Al-Anani  stressed that Egypt welcomes tourists from all countries of the world, and that the Egyptian tourist destination is ready to receive all tourists from all countries of the world.

The Minister explained that an international promotional campaign for Egyptian tourism will be launched for a period of 3 years at the end of this year. He announced that the media strategy for tourism promotion to Egypt, on the basis of which this campaign will be launched, has been completed.

During these meetings, the possibility of holding an expanded meeting via video conference was discussed for representatives of the federations and major Russian tour operators to inform them of the features of the media strategy that has been completed so that everyone can work together in the same direction.

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