Egypt built 17 industrial sites across 15 governorates, with 5,046 units in just 9 years

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

Egypt’s industrial sector has achieved significant progress from July 2014 to June 2023. The most noteworthy industrial achievement is the establishment of 17 industrial complexes in 15 governorates, which comprise a total of 5,046 industrial units.

The construction of these industrial complexes has been completed 100%. Moreover, new industrial cities like Robbiki Leather City on 506 feddans have been established, with the first phase completed 100%, the second phase completed 45%, and the third phase completed 95%.

Additionally, the local development program in Upper Egypt includes the implementation of infrastructure works such as water, sewage, roads, electricity, telecommunications, and natural gas in regions of West Gerga and West Tahta in Sohag Governorate and the two regions of Qeft in Qena Governorate.

During the period from 2016 to 2020, the total area of offered industrial lands including roads, services, green spaces, and parking lots amounted to 37m sqm. Meanwhile, from 2016 to May 2023, 3,905 industrial plots were allocated, with a total area of 14.8m sqm. Additionally, 85,752 operating licenses were granted from 2017 to May 2023, 7,433 building permits were issued from 2015 to May 2023, and 57,122 industrial records were granted. Currently, 10 industrial areas have been connected with utilities and services, and another 26 industrial areas are in the process of being connected with utilities.

Under the industrial developer system, 720 land sale contracts have been approved for signing. The Industrial Development Authority has also prepared 56,600 studies on customs reductions, government agencies’ needs, government tenders, and support for exports.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued several important decisions to boost the industrial sector, including a law to facilitate procedures for granting industrial licenses and issuing its executive regulations. The executive regulations for the Egyptian industrial products preference law in government contracts have been issued, along with the Industrial Development Authority law and its executive regulations.

The ministry has also provided a broad package of facilities for special projects. It launched the national program to deepen local industrialization, which aims to improve the competitiveness of the Egyptian industry, replace imported products with local products, and create an industrial base of local suppliers. Furthermore, the ministry has issued an unprecedented facilitation package to enable small investors’ access to units in specialized industrial complexes. It also launched the national program to convert and replace vehicles with clean energy.

The Ministry has signed several memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to enhance cooperation with foreign entities and countries. For instance, a MoU has been signed to enhance joint cooperation in the field of modernizing the infrastructure of grain, dairy, and bakery industries between Egypt and Russia. It aims to build new infrastructure facilities in Egypt for storing and processing grain, bakeries, and dairy processing for three years.

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