CCCPA holds a seminar on Egyptian contributions to UN Peacekeeping operations

Daily News Egypt
4 Min Read

The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) held a seminar on the occasion of the International Day of United Nations (UN) Peacekeepers titled “Egyptian Contributions to UN Peacekeeping Operations ~ Between Past, Present and Future: Challenges and Opportunities.”

The seminar was held within the framework of commemorating the 75th anniversary of the first UN peacekeeping operation. It aimed to put a spotlight on Egypt’s contributions to UN peacekeeping operations, exchange experiences, and reflect on best practices from the extended Egyptian participation in peacekeeping missions. The seminar also took into account the major challenges facing peacekeeping in a rapidly evolving landscape marked by new risks and emerging threats to peace and security both regionally and internationally.

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Director-General of CCCPA, stated that the seminar is a timely opportunity to highlight Egypt’s ongoing contributions in the field of peacekeeping, whether on the conceptual level, as regards developing peacekeeping and peacebuilding policies, or on the operational level, through its military and police contributions, with a view to advancing peace and security regionally and internationally.

CCCPA’s Director-General noted that the event, which reflects the fruitful cooperation between all relevant national institutions, offers a platform to look into how Egypt can adapt to the changing nature of conflicts in order to retain its pioneering role in the field of peacekeeping. This is through training participants in peacekeeping missions before their deployment according to the highest international standards, and adapting training to make peace operations safer and more effective, with well-equipped and well-trained personnel.

The opening ceremony also witnessed the participation of Ambassador Mai Khalil, Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for United Nations Affairs, Major General Alaa Kassem, Chief of the Liaison Agency with International Organisations (LAWIO), Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Mohamed Ibrahim, Director of the Egyptian Training Centre for Peacekeeping Operations, Ministry of Interior, as well as officials from relevant national entities, experts, and researchers.

The sessions examined the evolution of the Egyptian contributions to UN peacekeeping and lessons learned, took stock of experiences of former mission leaders in the field, and highlighted the growing number of Egyptian female peacekeepers in missions, based on Egypt’s firm commitment to enhancing women’s role in all walks of life.

The seminar witnessed valuable interventions by both Ambassador Osama Abdelkhalek, Permanent Representative of Egypt to the UN, and Elena Panova, UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt, on peacekeeping in the UN Secretary General’s New Agenda for Peace.

Participants stressed on the significance of the seminar as it draws attention to the importance of providing a platform that brings together all relevant national stakeholders to exchange viewpoints and share experiences of participation in peacekeeping operations. They also emphasized the necessity of documenting these experiences to draw lessons learned for the present and future.

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