Jordan king reaffirms rejection of attempt to separate West Bank, Gaza Strip

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King Abdullah II of Jordan during a meeting of foreign ministers of Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the secretary of the Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation Organisation

King Abdullah II of Jordan on Saturday stressed his rejection of any attempt to separate the West Bank and Gaza Strip as both are part of the Palestinian state, according to a statement by Jordan’s Royal Hashemite Court.

   The king made the remarks during a meeting in Amman with several Arab foreign ministers participating in the ministerial meeting over the Israel-Hamas conflict hosted by Jordan, as part of efforts to a ceasefire in Gaza and support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent and sovereign state along the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its capital.

   The Jordanian leader emphasized the importance of continued Arab coordination to exert pressure on the international community and influential global powers to halt the escalation in Gaza while delivering aid continuously to the besieged strip as well as protecting civilians, the statement added.

   Jordan’s king also condemned “massacres” of innocent civilians in Gaza, warning that the continuation of the conflict would lead to an explosion in the region’s situation.

   He reiterated Jordan’s condemnation of the Israeli escalation in the West Bank and underlined the need to continue supporting the Palestinian Authority.

   He also called for continued support for international organizations operating in Gaza, especially the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

   The king reaffirmed that a military or security solution would not succeed in ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, stressing that the only path is a political solution to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution.

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