Adel Heine

DNE Art & Culture, and Lifestyle Editor
194 Articles

A slur on my womanhood

Cairo cabbie informs Adel Heine she is not a woman

Adel Heine

Egyptians compete to go into space

A competition is currently under way that has revived the genuine dream…

Adel Heine

Painting the town red

Adel Heine's weekly column

Adel Heine

The musical talent of Tamer Emad

Tamer Emad, an Egyptian British talent

Adel Heine

The editor’s new clothes

Adel Heine's weekly column

Adel Heine

Egypt’s days of despair

Adel Heine's weekly column

Adel Heine

CollabFeature: the best of all worlds

A new way to help independent filmmakers support each other: making a…

Adel Heine

The spirit of Ghandi in Tahrir Square

The Indian embassy in Cairo holds poster design contest

Adel Heine

Listen to Cairo

Adel Heine's weekly column

Adel Heine

Crowd-sourcing and creativity meet in short film

The current campaign is trying to raise funds to be able to…

Adel Heine