Alia Stouhi

23 Articles

ADCI aims to add 14 new products and open new export markets

The company targets revenues of EGP 350m in new fiscal year and…

Alia Stouhi

Rubex will start to develop five new factories in the second half of 2017

The pound's flotation will double the company's exports in foreign currency by…

Alia Stouhi

NI Capital intends to establish a direct investment fund in the second half of 2017

The company furthermore seeks to expand in direct investment

Alia Stouhi

Suez Cement Company to raise Helwan Cement productivity 

Inflationary effects of flotation are severe but necessary to complete the economic…

Alia Stouhi

Flotation raises the development cost of 665 feddans in New Heliopolis by 20%

Hany Al-Deeb, CEO of the Heliopolis Company for Housing and Development told…

Alia Stouhi

Postponement of El-Farasha’s offering to 2018 

EGP 1bn expected sales by the end of 2017 with 82% growth

Alia Stouhi

MFIC plans to establish EGP 500m real-estate fund 

Targeted profits of Misr Investment and Financing Fund at EGP 45%

Alia Stouhi

Development cost of Sharm Dreams Holding hotels increase 35% due to flotation

Current bookings prevent tourism recovery in 2017 by 30% on average at…

Alia Stouhi

Will commodity prices go down as pound strengthens?

 Companies pledge to bring prices down; others refuse due to inventory input

Samira Saeed

Five draft laws and money market development files are currently handed to Sahar Nasr business portfolio

Sherif Samy, chairperson of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), said that…

Alia Stouhi