Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

6 Articles

We are not like you

As soon as I heard about the sectarian events in Abu Qirqas…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

Shakespeare answers internet complaint calls

Imagination is one of the games that fulfil our desires. It also…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

When to visit a psychiatrist—Part 4: What do you expect from your psychiatrist?

 In previous parts to this series, we were able to understand the…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

When to visit a psychiatrist—Part three: what decisions are involved in psychiatric illness and care?

The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard is considered one of the first proponents…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

When to visit a psychiatrist—Part two: when do you head to a psychiatrist’s office?

To clarify the meaning of the word "problem", this refers to when…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD

When to visit a psychiatrist—Part one: what is a psychiatrist?

Psychologists generally prefer to work in a team that includes a doctor,…

Ahmed Aboul-Wafa, MD