Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

16 Articles

LNG is 86 times more environmentally harmful than conventional fuels: ICCT

Study compared greenhouse emissions from LNG, MGO, low-sulphur fuel oil, and heavy…

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

Auto sector in Middle East: Loaming dreams and scattered hopes

Construction sector suffers short-term blow, Egypt’s heavy truck sales decline 8.4% y-o-y

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

Egypt’s car sector to see reverse trend down the road: Fitch

Construction growth eases slowdown in automotive sector, bus sales affected by tourism…

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

Car price increase limits 2019 sales in Egypt: Focus2move

Chevrolet, Hyundai, and Nissan account for 50% of car sales in country

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

Top 10 selling international car companies in 2019

Toyota at top with 10.24% market share, total 8.7m cars

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim

International EV sales expected to reach 56m cars in 2040: Bloomberg

China is sweeping EV charging station market internationally

Ahmed Hassan Abdel Karim