Ahmed Maged

362 Articles

Biodiversity is key to preventing desertification, says expert

CAIRO: Biodiversity is an ideal technique to resist desertification which threatens huge…

Ahmed Maged

Time to adopt creative industries for talented Egyptians

CAIRO: In the information society, culture and creativity have seemingly taken a…

Ahmed Maged

Beware, climate changes are coming; the British envoy for climate security is urging the entire world to cooperate to face the effects

CAIRO: As World Environment Day is being marked, a high-ranking British official…

Ahmed Maged

An affair that ended in infanticide

CAIRO: The dead body of a newborn that was dumped from the…

Ahmed Maged

The tragedy of a young teacher who decided to be a miner

RAS GHARIB: Usama, a young teacher, died after he lost his way…

Ahmed Maged

Website aims to promote Alexandria

ALEXANDRIA: A fervent Alexandrian tour guide has launched a special website to…

Ahmed Maged

No shortage of Egyptian talent, but services need a boost, says report

CAIRO: Everybody's talking about the brain-drain - the migration of Egyptian talent…

Ahmed Maged

That fizzy feeling, and the lure of soft drinks

Since he was a child, Mohanad, now 23, has been addicted to…

Ahmed Maged

The significance of kitchens for ancient Egyptians

Tour guide acquires PhD on food and kitchens in ancient EgyptCAIRO: There…

Ahmed Maged