Atef Moatamed

7 Articles

Imperial footprints in Egypt’s Geography: The case of John Ball

Alawiyya dynasty (1805-1882) geography modernisation project relied on many adventurers and half-qualified…

Atef Moatamed

Omar Toussoun: Enlightened Prince and National Geographer

Despite his European education, the prince passionately wrote on all aspects of…

Atef Moatamed

The sacred geography of Sinai (Part II)

As with many of his peers Henry Field’s voyage to Egypt in…

Atef Moatamed

Opinion| Sinai’s sacred geography gets Biblical treatment

European travellers of yore tended to focus less on observing surroundings but…

Atef Moatamed

Historical Maps of Egypt (Part II): Circle of Scholars Around the Pasha

Following Muhammad Ali Pasha rise to power in Egypt in first half…

Atef Moatamed

Historical maps of Egypt (Part I): The Golden Age of Egypt’s interest in the Nile

In the fifth century BCE, the Greek historian Herodotus described Egypt as…

Atef Moatamed

Cultural geography … sense of place in cinema and culture

The methodology for realising art from a geographic perspective is actually part…

Atef Moatamed