Christopher Le Coq


Recession has spurred IT innovation, say experts at Cairo forum

CAIRO: The economic crisis is projected to result in a $1.7 trillion…

Christopher Le Coq

IDC’s ‘Smart IT Buyers’ forum kicks off on Monday

CAIRO: The International Data Corporation (IDC) will be hosting a forum on…

Christopher Le Coq

EGX 30 index gets a reshuffle

CAIRO: An EGX 30 index reshuffle, where eight companies will be dropped…

Christopher Le Coq

Actis moves into payment card industry with MSCC buy-out

“We believe that e-payment will be the next big thing in Africa,”…

Christopher Le Coq

Experts forecast steady performance for Egypt banks

“The Egyptian banking sector’s performance in mirrors the strong fundamentals and the…

Christopher Le Coq

Egypt ranks second FDI recipient in Africa: UN report

CAIRO: Egypt ranked as the second recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI)…

Christopher Le Coq

Timeline CEO sees potential for venture capital growth

CAIRO: “There is huge investment potential for venture capitalism in Egypt, with…

Christopher Le Coq

Egyptian pound at 16-month low against dollar

CAIRO: The Egyptian pound traded at its lowest level against the dollar…

Christopher Le Coq

Germany seeks private sector role in Egypt’s development policy

CAIRO: Germany, Egypt’s third largest bilateral donor, is looking to increase private…

Christopher Le Coq

Young entrepreneurs win support after Injaz competition

CAIRO: Injaz wrapped up its fourth annual young entrepreneurs competition, with the…

Christopher Le Coq