Daily News Egypt

20453 Articles

Encountering peace: Two capitals for two states for two peoples

JERUSALEM: Not one country in the world recognizes our capital, Jerusalem, as…

Daily News Egypt

Al-Azhar refuses to discuss Coptic adoption draft law

CAIRO: Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Center refused to discuss a draft law to…

Daily News Egypt

Commentary: The Missing Piece in Egyptian Football

Over the last 20 years the field of exercise physiology has made…

Daily News Egypt

Markets rise on Dubai debt hope; Egypt telcos up

DUBAI: Abu Dhabi s index made its largest gain for more than…

Daily News Egypt

Extralegal policing criticized in Indonesia

JAKARTA: Indonesia is defined as a free state - essentially, a country…

Daily News Egypt

Financing the fight against climate change

COPENHAGEN: It is now generally agreed that the developed countries will have…

Daily News Egypt

European identity politics in play

WASHINGTON, DC: With almost 58 percent of Swiss voters recently delivering an…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt's H1N1 death toll reaches 48

CAIRO: The Ministry of Health announced Saturday three swine flu deaths, raising…

Daily News Egypt

Orascom Telecom opposes Mobinil deal approval

CAIRO: Egypt s Orascom Telecom said it rejected regulator support for a…

Daily News Egypt

The teppanyaki delights of Shogun

InterContenintal CityStars' Shogun is a personal favorite; whether it's the fresh sushi…

Daily News Egypt