Daily News Egypt

20454 Articles

The teppanyaki delights of Shogun

InterContenintal CityStars' Shogun is a personal favorite; whether it's the fresh sushi…

Daily News Egypt

Iraq auctions fields to move up oil's big league

BAGHDAD: Iraq could challenge Russia s number two spot among world oil…

Daily News Egypt

Climate change and "Climategate"

COPENHAGEN: Thousands of politicians, bureaucrats, and environmental activists have arrived in Copenhagen…

Daily News Egypt

COMMENTARY: Is the Quran hostile to Jews and Christians?

WASHINGTON, DC: When violence is committed in the name of Islam, the…

Daily News Egypt

Baker & McKenzie celebrates 30 years of legal excellence in the Middle East

CAIRO: One of the largest international law firms Baker & McKenzie is…

Daily News Egypt

Obama defends war as he accepts Nobel peace prize

OSLO: President Barack Obama evoked the cause of a just war on…

Daily News Egypt

Polluted Atmosphere in Copenhagen?

COPENHAGEN: Just when you thought the toxic clouds of "Climategate had lifted,…

Daily News Egypt

As the enemy sees us

RAMALLAH: Who is this man, this "dour official leading a revolutionary cultural…

Daily News Egypt

In praise of common Americans

KARACHI, Pakistan: Greg Mortenson is an American and, like our philanthropist Maulana…

Daily News Egypt

The cycles of economic discontent

FLORENCE: The nineteenth century was mesmerized by the cyclical behavior of business.…

Daily News Egypt