Daily News Egypt

20453 Articles

Charter puts a new face on the Golden Rule

CAPE TOWN/LONDON: On Sept. 27 at the Vancouver Peace Summit, amongst some…

Daily News Egypt

Imams settle lawsuit over removal from 2006 flight

MINNEAPOLIS: Six imams taken off a 2006 US Airways flight after passengers…

Daily News Egypt

Al-Wasat calls on NCHR to look into official status denial

CAIRO: Political party Al-Wasat Al-Gadid (the New Centrist) has filed a complaint…

Daily News Egypt

Vargas Llosa completes new Belgian Congo novel

Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa said his latest novel was inspired by…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt's Lecico to boost production capacity by 2015

CAIRO: Egyptian ceramics company Lecico plans to double the production capacity of…

Daily News Egypt

In Indonesia, sermons promoting tolerance wanted

JAKARTA: Every Friday, Muslims, especially men, gather in their local mosques for…

Daily News Egypt

The future of facts

BUDAPEST: At a recent conference of newspaper editors in which I took…

Daily News Egypt

The Israeli education system and the question of shared citizenship

JATT, Israel: The concept of "shared citizenship refers to all citizens of…

Daily News Egypt

Court annuls Journalists' Syndicate 2007 elections

CAIRO: An administrative court ruling earlier this week invalidated the results of…

Daily News Egypt

Our low-carbon future

LONDON: The United Nations climate change conference, to be held in Copenhagen…

Daily News Egypt