Daily News Egypt

20485 Articles

Attack on Christian-owned shops following Muslim murder in Alexandria

CAIRO: Police say Muslims have hurled stones at Christian-owned shops in Alexandria…

Daily News Egypt

Metallica, Run-DMC inducted into Rock Hall of Fame

Metallica shoved the mosh pit into the Rock and Roll Hall of…

Daily News Egypt

Court orders Mobinil sale to France Telecom

CAIRO: France Telecom has prevailed in an arbitration dispute with Egyptian telecom…

Daily News Egypt

Global crisis has silver lining for IMF

WASHINGTON: From the ashes of global prosperity the International Monetary Fund emerged…

Daily News Egypt

Obama declares US not at war with Islam

ANKARA: Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as…

Daily News Egypt

Let the buyer beware

JERUSALEM: The warmth, openness and seeming naiveté of sources in the Middle…

Daily News Egypt

How IDF testimonies led to the 'Haaretz blood libel'

It wasn t even my story, but I should not have been…

Daily News Egypt

The vanishing bomb

WARSAW: The agreement by the American and Russian presidents to renew strategic…

Daily News Egypt

Reaffirming Europe

ROME/STOCKHOLM: The ongoing global economic crisis is shaking beliefs and approaches that…

Daily News Egypt

The limits of Bonapartism

PARIS: After four decades, France has returned to NATO's unified military command.…

Daily News Egypt