Daily News Egypt

20485 Articles

A wonderful day in the neighborhood

Good fences make good neighbors, the American poet Robert Frost once wrote,…

Daily News Egypt

A Bollywood bride for Sarkozy?

Ever since French President Nicolas Sarkozy took himself off his country's most-eligible-bachelor…

Daily News Egypt

Lebanon and the Syrian-Israeli track

Are there prospects for peace between Syria and Israel? We re at…

Daily News Egypt

Sympathizers hungry for Al-Qaeda answers

CAIRO: Sympathizers submitted hundreds of questions to Al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman Al-Zawahri's…

Daily News Egypt

Once the cheapest fast food, now a luxury

CAIRO: Mohamed Gaber, a 27-year-old civil servant, like many in the lower…

Daily News Egypt

Musical worlds collide

More than any other musical genre, classical music has been the most…

Daily News Egypt

Syria and the Palestinians: A love-hate relationship

For an entire century, Syria has had a love-hate relationship with Palestinians.…

Daily News Egypt

It's not about Iran

As President Bush traveled through the Middle East, the prevailing assumption was…

Daily News Egypt

The Annapolis opening has closed

The prospect of a Syrian-Israeli peace settlement looms over the Arab-Israel and…

Daily News Egypt