Daily News Egypt

20485 Articles

Hard Talk :30 Years since the 1977 intifada

The 30-year anniversary of the January 18-19 1977 bread riots comes at…

Daily News Egypt

Development experts converge in Cairo for prep meeting

CAIRO: A high-level symposium on Sunday aimed at discussing issues in South-South…

Daily News Egypt

Canada to edit manual naming US as country where prisoners risk torture

TORONTO: Under pressure from its closest ally, Canada's foreign ministry said Saturday…

Daily News Egypt

Sustainability should be the objective, say experts

DUBAI: Organizations that wish to grow profitably in the future must focus…

Daily News Egypt

El Rabeh achieves highest yields

CAIRO: The Egyptian Investment Management Association (EIMA) announced that Prime Investment Asset…

Daily News Egypt

Musings: Rebuilding the State

The current situation in the Arab World begs the question: Were the…

Daily News Egypt

Muslim charities, guilty until proven innocent?

High officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of…

Daily News Egypt

Nigeria's resurgent oil diplomacy

Russia is not alone in seeing oil as a means to transform…

Daily News Egypt

What About the World?

As America's primaries move beyond Iowa and New Hampshire, it is simply…

Daily News Egypt