"Black sheep" participate in political debate
CAIRO: From my spot at the end of the queue I wondered…
For or against: CityStars patrons divided over possible entry fees
CAIRO: Last week, sources at CityStars told Daily News Egypt that different…
NDP favors patronage over politics, say analysts
CAIRO: Despite a highly marketed effort at modernization, Egypt s ruling party…
Italian musician uncovers hidden music in Da Vinci's 'Last Supper'
It's a new Da Vinci code, but this time it could be…
Fresh water makes good neighbors
You're back, and you're in one piece! is a phrase that I…
Techniques of deception: From Popper to Rove and back
In his novel 1984, George Orwell chillingly described a totalitarian regime in…
Sadat's Journey, 30 Years After
If "one man of courage makes a majority, as Andrew Jackson said,…
IN FOCUS: A True Civil Society
You'd be wrong to think that the current opposition parties in Egypt…
Guarding optimism
The skeptics have unassailable arguments: History and a consistent record of failure…
Furnace cities
It's possible to see, right now, what global warming will eventually do…