Peacemaking truths and lies
JERUSALEM: For 60 years, Palestinian and Arab leaders have been lying to…
France Is Back In Europe, But On What Terms?
When Nicolas Sarkozy became President of France, he declared that his country…
Saudi King: Time for international intelligence agency
On the eve of his state visit to the United Kingdom the…
Israel PM diagnosed with prostate cancer
JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday announced that he had…
An Inconvenient Peace Prize
This year's Nobel Peace Prize justly rewards the thousands of scientists of…
Reflections on a common heritage
AMMAN: In many societies, religious festivals and set periods of spiritual reflection…
On the road to Annapolis
WASHINGTON: It s still looking like the international Middle East conference will…
Egypt's Cultural Heritage Roundup
In this month's roundup of all things archaeological, historic etc, we find…
Keeping the faith through Interfaith dialogue
WASHINGTON DC: One of the great fears that parents and church leaders…
Goodbye to Going It Alone
A key lesson that the next American president will take away from…