Daily News Egypt

20476 Articles

Brotherhood coverage is pure journalism, not a political deal with Al Dostour: Eissa

CAIRO: With two court cases that target his writings, Al Dostour editor…

Daily News Egypt

Morocco's female religious counselors

Morocco is making a conspicuous effort to curb religious extremism by giving…

Daily News Egypt

Facebook Oldies

I'm embarrassed to say that after reading Newsweek's recent cover story on…

Daily News Egypt

Is 'terrorist threat' to America another Bush-Cheney fabrication?

In the most massive racial profiling since Japanese-Americans were herded into detention…

Daily News Egypt

Petroleum Ministry addresses gasoline rumors

CAIRO: The Ministry of Petroleum said that the gasoline Egypt recently imported…

Daily News Egypt

Ibrahim Eissa: 'There's a desire on the part of the regime to present the president as a God'

CAIRO: Al Dostour's editor-in-chief Ibrahim Eissa and three other journalists have been…

Daily News Egypt

"From the Euphrates to Guadalquivir"

The Musica Antigua Quintet will kick off the Arab-Andalusian music festival tomorrow,…

Daily News Egypt

My first Jewish wedding

A week ago I was invited to a Jewish wedding. As a…

Daily News Egypt

Retiring Mugabe

At least for purposes of public consumption, southern Africa's political leaders continue…

Daily News Egypt

It's not a clash between Christians and Muslims

It is important to emphasize at the outset that the wars and…

Daily News Egypt