Brotherhood coverage is pure journalism, not a political deal with Al Dostour: Eissa
CAIRO: With two court cases that target his writings, Al Dostour editor…
Morocco's female religious counselors
Morocco is making a conspicuous effort to curb religious extremism by giving…
Facebook Oldies
I'm embarrassed to say that after reading Newsweek's recent cover story on…
Is 'terrorist threat' to America another Bush-Cheney fabrication?
In the most massive racial profiling since Japanese-Americans were herded into detention…
Petroleum Ministry addresses gasoline rumors
CAIRO: The Ministry of Petroleum said that the gasoline Egypt recently imported…
Ibrahim Eissa: 'There's a desire on the part of the regime to present the president as a God'
CAIRO: Al Dostour's editor-in-chief Ibrahim Eissa and three other journalists have been…
"From the Euphrates to Guadalquivir"
The Musica Antigua Quintet will kick off the Arab-Andalusian music festival tomorrow,…
Retiring Mugabe
At least for purposes of public consumption, southern Africa's political leaders continue…
It's not a clash between Christians and Muslims
It is important to emphasize at the outset that the wars and…