Daily News Egypt

20471 Articles

Avaya launches one-X Portal

DUBAI: Complementing its one-X range of communication solutions, Avaya launched the web-based…

Daily News Egypt

Soccer unites children

On the first day of Camp Coexistence, kids tended to stick with…

Daily News Egypt

What I saw in Darfur

We speak often and easily about Darfur. But what can we say…

Daily News Egypt

The empty core in Al-Qaeda's vision for Iraq

The June 7, 2006 US air strike that killed Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi…

Daily News Egypt

Goodwill Ambassador Adel Imam encourages Iraqi schoolchildren in Syria

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Adel Imam on Wednesday visited Iraqi children attending schools…

Daily News Egypt

Bavarian Auto Group holds the 11th BMW Golf Tournament

CAIRO: Bavarian Auto Group organized the 11th BMW Golf Tournament in Egypt…

Daily News Egypt

HEALTH MATTERS: Muslim smokers urged to quit at Ramadan

Since smoking is among the activities that faithful Muslims deny themselves from…

Daily News Egypt

Major German art and history exhibit showcases Eygpt's raiders

In ancient Greece, the Scythians were at first known as mysterious milkers…

Daily News Egypt

Youth Views Speaking of Islam

CHICAGO, IL - I miss speech team. Originally, I never desired to…

Daily News Egypt

Iraqi theater is urban war training ground

Following the invasion of Afghanistan, al-Qaeda was in a very weak position.…

Daily News Egypt