Measures of confidence
Success in bringing about real Middle East peace will depend on more…
When the devil wears Prada in an ancient city
Mohamed is a cashier in one of Cairo s huge supermarkets, a…
Children in Sudan still being recruited to fight, face other abuses, says UN
UNITED NATIONS: Children in Sudan are still being recruited to fight and…
Debate rages over constitutionality of new medical insurance law
CAIRO: The parliament's health committee has criticized allegations that the draft medical…
Price hikes, security alerts and festivities mark beginning of Ramadan
CAIRO: Muslims around the world are gearing up for the holy month…
Editor accused of spreading rumors about the president's health to stand trial
CAIRO: The editor of Al-Dostour daily independent newspaper Ibrahim Eissa was ordered…
EYE combines talents of engineering and economy students
CAIRO: In an effort to integrate engineering with economy, the annual student…
To read in the name of God
Metang-mentang punya sayapMalaikat begitu nyinyir dan cerewetIa berlagak sebagai makhluk baikTapi juga…
America and global public goods
America is currently transfixed with the problem it has created for itself…