Daily News Egypt

20499 Articles

Prepare for less attention in Paris

Jacques Chirac still has some weeks left in office, but as of…

Daily News Egypt

Franco-American ties will improve after the French vote

With the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, French-American relations reached a…

Daily News Egypt

Crossing the Blue Line: Unifil and the people of southern Lebanon

A-NAQOURA: Bassam Salim isn't really on bad terms with the United Nations…

Daily News Egypt

Moderate Muslims must discredit Al-Qaeda's ideology

Al-Qaeda sprung into the popular conscience of the world with the attacks…

Daily News Egypt

The options are limited in trying to inhibit Tehran

There are some people who think the United States should attack Iran,…

Daily News Egypt

Nuclear Iran between war and acceptance

Despite his bellicose rhetoric, US President George W. Bush would very much…

Daily News Egypt

It's Israel's moment to address the difficult issues of peace

For more than two decades political proposals, diplomatic initiatives, and international resolutions,…

Daily News Egypt

Iranian retaliation after a US attack can hurt

At a time when there exists a very real possibility of eventual…

Daily News Egypt

Al Jazeera airs documentary alleging police abuse in Egypt

CAIRO: The Al Jazeera Documentary channel broadcast the first part of its…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt rejects Amnesty International report on prisoner abuse as unfair and inaccurate

Associated Press CAIRO: Egypt rejected a report by human rights group Amnesty…

Daily News Egypt