Daily News Egypt

20306 Articles

Red wine: A drink a day keeps the doctor away?

Is red wine the secret to longevity or a potent poison? The…

Daily News Egypt

Decoding Facebook: The virtual little black book

Cairo's student population has jumped aboard the Internet social sensation with the…

Daily News Egypt

Fake officer caught in the act

CAIRO: A police officer coincidentally caught out man disguised as a policeman…

Daily News Egypt

Rising sea levels could hit poor countries hardest

Reuters WASHINGTON: Even a small rise in the world s sea levels,…

Daily News Egypt

Bush's Iraq troop surge a doomed gamble, says Al-Zawahri

Reuters DUBAI: Al-Qaeda s second-in-command Ayman Al-Zawahri said US President George W.…

Daily News Egypt

A Middle Eastern Tour of Paris

With the recent riots in Arab-French suburbs and heated debates over the…

Daily News Egypt

Hamas and Fatah face many daunting challenges ahead

The reconciliation between the leaders of the two major Palestinian groups, Hamas…

Daily News Egypt

Love squares off against hatred on St. Valentine's

St. Valentine, a martyred Christian saint in ancient Rome, could have never…

Daily News Egypt

Syria pressures the Saudis, with a bang

Two years after the assassination of Lebanon's former prime minister, Rafik Hariri…

Daily News Egypt

Students discover the opposing dynamics of Palestine occupation

CAIRO: Running from sound grenades and tear gas at protests in the…

Daily News Egypt