Daily News Egypt

20509 Articles

A rare rainbow at Guantanamo Bay

As the 15-seat propeller plane dipped hard right through the clouds, as…

Daily News Egypt

World Health Day Debate on International Health Security

A foreign agent that invades sovereign territory, evades detection, kills civilians, and…

Daily News Egypt

Hepatitis C: The silent killer

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been compared to a 'viral time bomb'…

Daily News Egypt

No sex please, we're daddy's little girls

Agence France-PresseIt has all the ingredients of a wedding: The proud tuxedo-clad…

Daily News Egypt

IFC financing for tissue mill supports wastepaper recycling in Egypt

CAIRO: International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World…

Daily News Egypt

Egyptian, Chinese companies sign 11 deals worth $30 million

CAIRO: A group of Egyptian businessmen and representative of Chinese public companies…

Daily News Egypt

Iran's shadow hovered over Riyadh

The standard for success at Arab summits is, usually, the avoidance of…

Daily News Egypt

Bird flu awareness and reporting measures are improving

CAIRO: Bird flu awareness and reporting measures in Egypt are improving, and…

Daily News Egypt

UN agency issues new locust warning for Northeast Africa

NEW YORK: In a new offensive against locusts, the United Nation Food…

Daily News Egypt

UN soldiers question claims of killing of POWs during 1967 Arab-Israeli War

Associated Press BRUSSELS: A pair of former UN peacekeepers who witnessed the…

Daily News Egypt