Daily Star Egypt Staff

1452 Articles

'They must have seen Americans as strange liberators'

King memorial arouses the question of whether his legacy has been forgottenThousands…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Egyptian police find more weapons in Sinai

Israeli innuendo and concern for Sinai security fuel stepped up efforts to…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Naeem Holding Lists on Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchange

Leading Investment Bank Sets Stake in Egypt, Gears Up to Become the…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Egyptian police find more weapons in Sinai

Israeli innuendo and concern for Sinai security fuel stepped up efforts to…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

High-growth companies selected for venture capital investment

Egypt s Technology Development Fund backs top early-stage IT companies as they…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Innovative delivery of financial consulting

Launch of Maadi Branch Shows Allianz Egypt's Continued Customer FocusAs the next…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

A LENS TO THE PAST: The Egyptian Cinderella

As King Farouk's second wife, Nariman Sadiq (Oct. 31, 1933-Feb. 16, 2005)…

Daily Star Egypt Staff