Daily Star Egypt Staff

1452 Articles

Presidential decree to appoint 31 female judges

CAIRO: President Hosni Mubarak recently issued a presidential decree to appoint 31…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Russia's Razgulay plans $60 mln rice plant upgrade

SHARM EL SHEIKH: Russia s top rice producer Razgulay plans a $60…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

MD Anderson joins the US-Middle East partnership for breast cancer awareness and research

HOUSTON: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has joined the…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

A rundown of the 34 amended articles in the constitution

Article 1: Amended to strike out reference to the strictly socialist character…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Hussein Fahmy inaugurates AUC's student leadership conference

CAIRO: Actor Hussein Fahmy stressed the importance of broadening the limits of…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Actor Khaled Abol Naga learns firsthand about challenges facing Egyptians with HIV

ALEXANDRIA: Issues of stigma and discrimination were the focus of an encounter…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Misr International Films holds simultaneous worldwide environmental film screening

CAIRO: In an attempt to raise environmental awareness, Misr International Films (Youssef…

Daily Star Egypt Staff