Deutsche Welle

6640 Articles

Syrian Kurds take strategic dam from ‘Islamic State’

An alliance of US-backed Syrian Kurdish and Arab rebels has taken a…

Deutsche Welle

Nigeria running out of time to deliver on vow to defeat Boko Haram

Nigeria’s new President Muhammadu Buhari promised to stamp out Boko Haram by…

Deutsche Welle

Floods dampen seasonal cheer in England, Scotland and Wales

Parts of northwest England already hit hard by flooding in recent weeks…

Deutsche Welle

Damascus: Plan to evacuate militants from Yarmouk put on hold

A plan to evacuate thousands of militants and civilians from rebel-held districts…

Deutsche Welle

In Pictures: Christmas in German families 1945-2015

No matter what Germans may think of the Christian origins of Christmas,…

Deutsche Welle

Rome plagued by starlings

When in Rome, do as the Romans do - these days, that…

Deutsche Welle

Iraqi forces continue fight against ‘Islamic State’ in Ramadi

Iraqi forces have continued their drive into the heart of Ramadi, the…

Deutsche Welle

Palestinian knife assailant killed in Jerusalem

Israeli police have shot and killed a Palestinian man who pulled a…

Deutsche Welle

Dian Fossey: the gorilla researcher in the mist

Great apes were her friends; interacting with human beings was not her…

Deutsche Welle

Dozens injured after earthquake in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India

A strong earthquake has shaken Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as northern…

Deutsche Welle