Emir Nader

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254 Articles

Imprisoned 16-year-old passes exams from jail

Family strongly denies charges of violence handed to child

Emir Nader

Egypt is the castle that will protect us against immigration: French nationalist leader

Anti-Muslim politician Marine Le Pen finds common ground against extremism with Al-Azhar…

Emir Nader

Surprise reconciliation between Mortada Mansour and Tarek ElAwady

The two lawyers have signed that they have full professional respect for…

Emir Nader

Coptic families forcibly displaced after Beni Suef attacks

Christian newspaper reports local Muslims tried to protect Copts from villagers angered…

Emir Nader

Egypt continues to defend courts despite ongoing criticisms

International rights organisation FIDH welcomed the acquittal of 17 Al-Sabbagh witnesses, but…

Emir Nader

Egypt ranks joint-3rd for attacks on hotels in 2015

January’s mass attack in North Sinai which struck military hotel puts Egypt…

Emir Nader

Student deaths on campus reach 20 since 2013

Anas El-Mahdy is second student this academic year to die from violence…

Emir Nader

Grand Mufti upholds Mansoura ‘terrorist leader’ death sentence

Family claim defendant was tortured into confession

Emir Nader

Campaign for hundreds of suspended journalists starts with Press Syndicate protest

Around 800 staff have been dismissed from media outlets in the last…

Emir Nader