Ethar Shalaby

94 Articles

Hijab fashion in Egypt: a classical wrap or a trendy “Spanish”?

The hijab fashion in Egypt has been changing rapidly over the last…

Ethar Shalaby

Palestinian and Kurdish contestants politicise Arab Idol 2

The nationality of contestants on Arab Idol 2 drew comments from politicians…

Ethar Shalaby

Drug rehabilitation centres in Egypt: Struggling to get clean

Addicts seeking treatment on the rise, but public centres strain to cope

Ethar Shalaby

Egypt’s incubator shortage: A medical tragedy

Understaffing, infection, and negligence plague public neonatal units

Ethar Shalaby

Foreign maids: a flourishing new market in Egypt

Every month, hundreds of immigrants, whether Nigerians, Indonesians or Filipinos, arrive in…

Ethar Shalaby

Sham El-Nessim: A new spring has come

A celebration that brings all Egyptians together

Ethar Shalaby

Liver transplants: Driven by desperation

In Egypt, the chronic liver disease Hepatitis C is a major concern…

Ethar Shalaby

Abortion in Egypt: Whose choice?

There are few options for women in Egypt who choose to undergo…

Ethar Shalaby

Presidency says Qandil remains in position, denies Russian loan request

Minister of Industry denies that Egypt requested a $2bn loan from Russia

Ethar Shalaby

Morsi announces sudden cabinet reshuffle

Says responsibility will go to those ‘most efficient’

Ethar Shalaby