Farah El Alfy

209 Articles

Creative edge

Ganzeer studio creates a forum for Arab graphic artists and designersCAIRO: The…

Farah El Alfy

Shadows in the dark

Filmmaker documents last year's Sudanese refugee protestCAIRO: When filmmaker Ahmed El Kady…

Farah El Alfy

Artist's authentically reflects society

Little black and white figures give insight into social realityCAIRO: "You don't…

Farah El Alfy

Jewelry for all

CAIRO: The global phenomenon of semi-precious stone costume jewelry has made women…

Farah El Alfy

Ooh Ricky!

CAIRO: "We love you, Ricky! screamed the Egyptian audience as the Latin…

Farah El Alfy

White leads summer colors

CAIRO: In the fashion world colors come and go, but although every…

Farah El Alfy

Friction mixes clothes, sports, music and furniture

CAIRO: Whoever said there are no good places to shop in Egypt?…

Farah El Alfy

Painting a portrait of rebirth

CAIRO: When thinking of Algeria, most people remember the wars, the terror,…

Farah El Alfy

Fashion Focus

CAIRO: The change of seasons is always the perfect excuse to buy…

Farah El Alfy

Refugee advocate awarded British honor

CAIRO: After decades of hard work for refugees, the woman who coined…

Farah El Alfy