Hend El-Behary

Follow her on Twitter @HendElBehary
168 Articles

Saudi deposit arrives to the Central Bank of Egypt

In a sign of support to Egypt's economy, which continues to reel…

Sara Aggour

Sinai attacks hammer Red Sea tourism

In the first days following 30 June, Sinai saw 39 terrorist attacks,…

Hend El-Behary

Prospective government faces daunting energy subsidies reforms

Slashing energy subsidies is one of the requirements set by the International…

Nada Badawi

Post-Morsi economy: bullish or bearish?

Many domestic businessmen, however, disagree; a number have already expressed optimism since…

Hend El-Behary

Potential economic ministers in Egypt’s interim government

Egypt’s ailing economy a deciding factor in shaping interim government, led by…

Sara Aggour

Domestic debts rise an alarming 27% in Q3 2012/2013

Debt has risen unprecedentedly since March 2012, reaching EGP 1.089tn, or 80%…

Hend El-Behary

Gulf aids bolsters value of local currency

The index of the US dollar internationally declined 1.5%.

Hend El-Behary

Egypt’s Chambers of Commerce Federation seeks to bridge rift with African Union

Two days after the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi, the AU’s Peace…

Hend El-Behary

Egyptians work to bolster economy

AmericanChamber of Commerce in Egypt tries to convey a correct image of…

Hend El-Behary

Republican Guard headquarters violence prompts market slide

The EGX 70, an index of small and medium-sized companies,declined by a…

Hend El-Behary