Hend Kortam

974 Articles

Seven children investigated after Mohamed Mahmoud clashes

Children’s lawyer says they are facing an array of charges

Hend Kortam

EU to decide on observing upcoming referendum

EU mission arrives in Egypt, decision on observing the referendum will be…

Hend Kortam

Sinai car-bomb casualties died ‘confronting terrorism’: Al-Sisi

Defence minister delivers speech after military funeral for 11 soldiers killed in…

Hend Kortam

Trial of 21 Alexandria detainees begins

Security forces responsible for bringing the defendants to the courthouse failed to…

Hend Kortam

Explosion kills 11 in North Sinai

The explosion early Wednesday morning also left dozens injured

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Symbolic coffin placed over Tahrir monument

The monument was defaced within hours of its inauguration

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21 Alexandria detainees to face trial

Prosecutors decided on Monday to try the group of female protesters arrested…

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The remains of Mohamed Mahmoud

The death toll of the 2011 Mohamed Mahmoud clashes was almost 50,…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Egypt is intent on tightening siege on Gaza: Hamas

Rafah border crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip to the outside world…

Hend Kortam

NGOs and movements condemn violations faced by refugees from Syria

Joint statement released highlighting arrests, detentions, and deportation of refugees in Egypt

Hend Kortam