Hend Kortam

974 Articles

Deaths, injuries and arrests during Friday protests

At least two reported dead and dozens injured and arrested after Friday…

Hend Kortam

ANHRI concerned for “intellect and creativity”

The human rights network has recently held a discussion over the sentencing…

Hend Kortam

Reports of buffer zone plans near Gaza, military denies

Various media reports over the past two days have claimed that the…

Hend Kortam

Morsi supporters to protest on Tuesday

The National Coalition to Support Legitimacy calls for "the coup is terrorism"…

Hend Kortam

Latest casualty from August clashes

6 April member died after sustaining injuries on 14 August

Hend Kortam

Qorsaya residents appeal military zone

State Commissioner’s report recommends revoking decision to turn island into military zone

Hend Kortam

Brotherhood: Arrests include anyone who opposes the ‘putschists’

Muslim Brotherhood says “unprecedented” numbers took to the streets on 30 August

Hend Kortam

Hamas authorities release Egyptians

Foreign ministry official denies that three Egyptians were in Gaza for diplomatic…

Hend Kortam

Health minister meets Doctors Without Rights

Group discusses nearly a dozen concerns and demands with newly appointed minister

Hend Kortam

Judges to be investigated for siding with Brotherhood

Investigations held after complaints accuse judges of siding with Muslim Brotherhood

Hend Kortam