Hend Kortam

974 Articles

One dead in Mansoura ahead of Morsi speech

Clashes erupt between Muslim Brotherhood protesters and opposition

Hend Kortam

Fire scorches ancient temple gate

Fire at Temple of Ra in Ancient Heliopolis, near Cairo, leaves gate…

Hend Kortam

Rights group urges women to defend themselves on 30 June

Women are urged to use industrial needles for self defence if harassed

Hend Kortam

Clashes in Zagazig ahead of major weekend protests

Muslim Brotherhood and opposition exchange blame, deny responsibility

Hend Kortam

Egyptian-Ethiopian dialogue continues

Ethiopian delegation in Cairo to meet with Egyptian foreign ministry officials

Hend Kortam

Army intervention a possibility: Defence Minister

Defence minister says the Armed Forces’ responsibility necessitates potential intervention to prevent…

Hend Kortam

Amr: Egypt is on the side of the Syrian people

Friends of Syria state rejection of intervention that can lead to further…

Hend Kortam

Clashes in Ismailia outside Wadi El Natrun hearing

Both Muslim Brotherhood and opposition deny responsibility

Hend Kortam

Healthcare professionals suspend sit-in

Protesting doctors say they left health ministry camp in order to tend…

Hend Kortam

‘Everyone must unite’

Officials from the Federation of Professional Unions release stance on country’s current…

Hend Kortam