Hend Kortam

974 Articles

Mass resignations planned

Striking doctors intend to submit thousand of resignations as public health strike…

Hend Kortam

Nubians demand return of their land

Protest at Abdeen Palace to highlight unjust treatment of Nubians.

Hend Kortam

Doctors want to be understood

Striking doctors consider mass resignations

Hend Kortam

Morsy’s decree could include military detainees

Human rights activists worried about the implementation of the law

Rana Muhammad Taha

8 April officer supporters on hunger strike

The strike is for the officers who remain behind bars and for…

Hend Kortam

Doctors’ strike continues

Doctors resilient under pressure

Hend Kortam

Morsy grants all “revolutionary prisoners” amnesty

The president’s decision relieves the detainees in questions of their charges, thus…

Hend Kortam

Practising politics without permission

Students are still trying to free their universities from restrictions

Hend Kortam

Lawsuit filed by activist over Metro conditions

As activists lose patience with the conditions of the Metro, the “Be…

Hend Kortam

Doctors start “free treatment strike”

Doctors escalate strike, rift between two committee’s governing the strike remains

Hend Kortam