Hossam Mounir

3722 Articles

CBE poses exceptional tender for $100m

The tender will cover open currency positions in foreign currency at banks

Hossam Mounir

CBE floats Egyptian pound, raises interest by 3%

The CBE decided on Thursday to let banks in the market set…

Hossam Mounir

Informal US dollar rate expected to drop if banks refrain from accepting foreign exchange

Current procedures by government, CBE target to reduce demands for US dollar,  and we should work on increasing…

Hossam Mounir

Parliament approves Agriculture Bank Law, moving the bank under CBE’s authority

The Egyptian parliament approved a law that would oversee the transfer of…

Hossam Mounir

Egyptian pound devaluation could cause heavy losses for customers with open currency position  

Importers of medicines and commodities priced upon the US dollar’s official rate…

Hossam Mounir

CBE stabilises Egyptian pound’s price against US dollar, ignores market’s expectations again

Analysts ruled out Egyptian pound’s devaluation before 11 November

Hossam Mounir

Emirates NBD launches specialised unit for financing SMEs in Egypt

Emirates NBD announced the establishment of a specialised unit for financing small-…

Hossam Mounir