Hossam Mounir

3719 Articles

Total value of banknotes issued increases by EGP 10bn in May: CBE

Banknote issuance recorded its highest level to GDP since June 2015

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

I-Score warns against fraudulent companies claiming to improve credit ratings

No entity or person, no matter the authority he/she has, can intervene…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Banks to finish classifying SMEs, microenterprises to be financed by end of August: I-Score head

Nile Rating Company, specialised in SMEs, has merged in I- Score, said…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

The United Bank to be sold late 2016, early 2017: chairperson

The CBE received requests from a large number of international institutions to…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Egypt to repay international bonds worth $3bn in December 2016: Finance Ministry

Egypt has other bonds worth $3.5bn that will be repaid in the…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Metropolitan Egypt negotiates with Egyptian Gulf Bank, Banque Misr to provide financing for Enmaa projects

Enmaa needs financing worth EGP10m in the form of letters of guarantee…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Would drop in reserves delay floating of EGP despite IMF report?

The timing of this move is in the hands of the CBE…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Banks continue to curtail US dollar use overseas

Banks are lowering limits of different types of cards and reducing hard…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir

Would shutting down exchange companies solve the US dollar crisis?

Opponents to the proposal point to the companies’ role in securing hard…

Hossam Mounir Hossam Mounir