Jeffrey D. Sachs

33 Articles

Where are the global leaders?

The G-8 Summit in Japan earlier this month was a painful demonstration…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Saving resources to save growth

Reconciling global economic growth, especially in developing countries, with the intensifying constraints…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

A New Deal for Poor Farmers

Many poor, food-importing countries around the world have become desperate in recent…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Reinventing Energy

The world economy is being battered by sharply higher energy prices. While…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Technological cooperation

In early February, the United Sates National Academy of Engineering released a…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Recount Kenyans' votes

Kenya is aflame after a presidential election on Dec. 27 widely believed…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

New hope on climate change

The world has taken an important step toward controlling climate change by…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

America's Failed Militarized Foreign Policy

Many of today's war zones - including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan,…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

The Nobel message

Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize is a fitting tribute to a world…

Jeffrey D. Sachs

No Development, No Peace

Anyone interested in peacemaking, poverty reduction, and Africa's future should read the…

Jeffrey D. Sachs