Kate Dannies

133 Articles

IN DEPTH: Egypt's young card users ask: What credit bureau?

Yasmine Saleh certainly knows how to use a credit card. A 22-year-old…

Kate Dannies

SECTOR SERVICE: Egypt banks serve up new savings plans

CAIRO: The idea of saving money often brings to mind the image…

Kate Dannies

Designer dogs:Pooches big and small are the latest must-have in Cairo's suburban enclaves

Owning a villa has a number of benefits: complete privacy, extra space,…

Kate Dannies

Sector Service: Trading terminology decoded for the average investor

CAIRO: We've all seen the movies set on the floor of the…

Kate Dannies

From Palestine to Egypt

According to her fans, singer Rim Banna is "a real Palestinian. While…

Kate Dannies

SECTOR SERVICE: New loans pave the way for Egypt's potential borrowers

CAIRO: With prices through the roof, inflation spinning out of control and…

Kate Dannies

ONLY IN EGYPT: Cairo Beauty Salon Drama

It's safe to say that we've all had at least one horrible…

Kate Dannies

Caring for Egyptian car owners

CAIRO: Car owners are concerned about one thing: how to get their…

Kate Dannies

Switching gears: Drivers increasingly choosing automatic cars to navigate Cairo's traffic

CAIRO: Cairo's drivers are no strangers to the manual transmission. Most learned…

Kate Dannies

Special Euromoney Coverage: Egypt's real estate market stays the course

CAIRO: The past several years have seen a steady outflow of Cairo's…

Kate Dannies