Luiz Sanchez

Luiz is a Brazilian journalist in Cairo @luizdaVeiga
510 Articles

Administrative Court challenges referendum

Irregularities within referendum procedure have led to calls for its suspension

Liliana Mihaila

Jordanian migrant worker crisis spurs Egyptian intervention

Ministers plan to discuss current situation of Egyptian migrant workers, after Jordan…

Luiz Sanchez

Strong Egypt Party resignations false

Party leader Abul Fotouh said to have generated rift between himslef and…

Liliana Mihaila

Suez Medical Association denies patients protested

Doctors claim patient protests are illegitimate fabrications

Liliana Mihaila

Sheikh Abdullah Badr sentenced for libel

Sheikh Badr has been known to use his television channel to attack…

Liliana Mihaila

Preliminary referendum results “a tragedy for Israel”

Israeli media spokesperson denies having commented on Egypt’s constitutional referendum

Liliana Mihaila

Egypt meets Syrian commission of inquiry

Government pledges to continue advocating for political solution to the Syrian crisis

Liliana Mihaila

Hundreds of thousands converge on Tahrir

Protesters demand Morsy rescind his declaration

Liliana Mihaila

State-run trade federation backs Morsy’s declaration

Despite claims of unanimous support, members can be found on both sides…

Liliana Mihaila

The tear gas in Tahrir

CS, CR and CN gases explained

Liliana Mihaila