Mohamed Adel

565 Articles

Petroleum Ministry’s dues to foreign companies reach $3.6bn

We seek to repay part of the dues before the end of…

Mohamed Adel

Petroleum Ministry was not officially notified about not being supplied October shipments: Tarek El Molla

The ministry proposed a tender to secure the needs of the market…

Mohamed Adel

Shell cuts Borollos, Rasheed investments to $158.9m in operating expenses

Daily decline rate 10m feet of gas at the company’s concession and…

Mohamed Adel

Petroleum Ministry’s dues to Shell increase to $1.3bn from Borollos, Rashid gas returns

Shell postponed the implementation of the 9B stage until the ministry commits…

Mohamed Adel

Shell aims to export gas through EDCO every 20 days

200m cubic feet per day from Borollos fields allocated for export, says…

Mohamed Adel

BP acquires Shell’s Rosetta gas plant for $128m

Giza and Fayoum fields in northern Alexandria will produce 420m cubic feet…

Mohamed Adel

Taqa Arabia, Dolphinus call for licence to import gas from EGAS to private sector

Preliminary approval to be granted to companies that request licences to sell…

Mohamed Adel

EGPC paid $480m of bank instalments to EDCO

The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) paid approximately $480m in bank instalments…

Mohamed Adel

Eni, BP complete drilling of second well in South Baltim

Project’s production platform under preparation to link 350m cubic feet of gas…

Mohamed Adel

Shell discovers new gas field with reserves of 500bn cubic feet in the western desert

Royal Dutch Shell has discovered a new gas field (PTI - 2)…

Mohamed Adel